Personalized. A safe space to be seen, heard and focus fully on your desired objectives without distraction.
Taking into consideration all aspects of your unique personality, business, lifestyle and specific goals.
A relationship grounded in honesty, trust and open communication. Support to achieve your goals.
Well Hello There….
SMART & CAPABLE. Hard working and putting in the effort but all the busyness and rushing still isn’t producing the level of results you want.
TRIED ALL THE THINGS. A new planner, another course, fancy calendar, shiny marketing strategy, a project management app and on and on… but you’re still frazzled and frustrated.
SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE. Drained, defeated and disappointed it’s hard to be present or purposeful. Your biz was for a better quality of life, but it doesn’t seem like it most days.
FOCUSED, EFFICIENT & EFFECTIVE. You want to be more clear and calm in the way you work, to enjoy the process of building a biz.
Private coaching can definitely help.
You’re a purpose driven woman with a burning desire to achieve your vision for the future.
Take Charge
MAGIC BUTTONS & PERFECT FORMULAS. There is no cookie cutter quick fix. A biz that’s right for you, is a personal process, unique to each individual.
INTENTION, ATTENTION & HARD WORK. It requires effort, but can be enjoyable and rewarding when you embrace all of it, even the failures.
YOU DETERMINE RESULTS. When you’re decisive, and deliberate in thought and action things get easier and progress faster.
YOU ARE YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET. The first step for sustainable success is an unshakeable foundation.
SUPPOR YOURSELF. A support system of mindset, emotional resilience and habits EMPOWERS you to build a business with more ease and less hustle.
Get your shit straight on the inside, so you can create the results you want on the outside.
“Having the knowledge, confidence, means, or ability to do things or make decisions for oneself”.
— Merriam Webster Dictionary
“It was so helpful. I’m able to take a moment to think about those next steps I’ll take. Sarah’s introduced tools to me, to incorporate in my daily life, that has me pause and when I do move forward, in any situation, it’s in a positive way. Not in a self sabotaging way, I’m better at not thinking or talking about myself in a negative way. More confident and less inclined to accommodate everyone else at my own expense, like I used to.” - Bev D.
“I now have a full relationship with my son.” This wasn’t even what I came to coaching for! But Sarah asked questions and got me talking and thinking about things that made me realize I was settling for only half a relationship with him. That was impacting my life in so many ways, making me feel sad and holding me back. I feel much more content at my place in life now that I have awareness and tools to use. I look at life/situations very differently and I’m able to turn around how I’m feeling which is so helpful.” -Libby F.
When I start worrying about what people think, I'm able to recognize it more and change my reaction. I am able to change my inside voice more to a more positive image about myself. I see that the only person I need to please is myself.
- Caroline G.
Q & A
Private coaching offers:
Personalized support and totally focused on the client’s desired objectives
Flexible with room to explore various areas of life, business and determine sticking points and develop a plan to overcome them.
No distractions or interruptions
Safe, comfortable container especially good for a client who is shy or doesn’t want speak out in group formats.
Various benefits and is suitable for any client who is ready to dig in and make changes.
I offer a few levels of support for my private clients. If you’re interested fill in the application and I will send you a service brochure with details and pricing.
Depending on your specific goals and objectives:
- 3 month
- 6 month
- 12 month
Reach out and I’ll send you a brochure that provides more details along with pricing.
Depending on the level of support and duration my packages range from $2,000 - $8,000.
Yes there are a few payment options available.
Before deciding to work together we will have an introductory session to get to know eachother and determine if we are a good ‘fit’.
Investing in coaching is a time and financial investment and that’s why it’s important we meet and are both 100% ALL IN, on working together
Generally speaking, there are no refunds once the coaching contract is signed. However, life happens and I will review requests on a case by case basis.
Private sessions are conducted via zoom. You have the option to record our sessions for your personal use.
I encourage setting up our schedule in advance (usually on the same day/time) for a simple flow but you have access to my calendar to make changes when necessary.
There are various packages that offer additional resources and support between sessions.
Fill out the application and I’ll send you a service brochure with details and pricing.
Hit any button on the page and it will take you to my private coaching questionnaire where you can ask additional quesions.
My main focus right now is helping solo biz owners but you can fill out the application and explain which area you are looking for support. I’ll get back to you to let you know if we are a good fit.